التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة Takfir among the Late Asharis أ. علي بن أحمد الشهري* الملخص: يهدف البحث إلى بيان خطورة التكفير عموماً، وبيان ما كان عليه السلف الصالح من التحذير من هذه الآفة الخطيرة، والابتعاد عنها، والتورع في إطلاقها، كما يهدف إلى بيان حال متأخري الأشاعرة وخطأهم في مسألة التكفير، ومخالفتهم لما كان عليه المتقدمين من الأشاعرة والسلف الصالح. وقد اتبع البحث المنهج الاستقرائي، ثم التحليلي النَّقدي المقارن؛ وذلك من خلال استقراء المواطن التي احتوت على التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة، ثم جمع أهمها ودراستها، والقيام بتحليل تلك المسائل وتقييمها، ومقارنتها بمنهج المتقدمين. وقد انتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أبرزها: أن التكفير حق لله تعالى لا يجوز لأحد أن يُخرج أحدا من دين الله إلا ببينة ودليل يعذر بهما أمام الله. بيان البون الشاسع بين ما كان يعتقده أبو الحسن الأشعري ومن عاشره وقرب من زمانه، وبين ما يعتقده من جاء بعده ممن انتسب إلى مذهبه. أن عبد القاهر البغدادي كان نواة التطور في المذهب الأشعري، حيث كان انتقالة نوعية، فبدأ به عهد متأخري الأشاعرة. جرأة متأخري الأشاعرة في إطلاق أوصاف الكفر على مخالفيهم. تكفير المخالف لهم بحجة أنه يكفرهم، منحرفين بذلك عن منهج النبي -- وصحابته في التعامل مع المخالف. الكلمات المفتاحية: التكفير - الكفر - متأخرو الأشاعرة - متقدمو الأشاعرة. Abstract: This research aims to explain the seriousness of takfir in general and to clarify the stance of the righteous predecessors in warning against this dangerous scourge, staying away from it, and being cautious in its application. The research also aims to clarify the approach of the late Asharis in the issue of takfir and their divergence from what the early Asharis and righteous predecessors adhered to. The research follows the inductive method, followed by a comparative critical analysis. This is done by examining the issues that included takfir among the late Asharis, then collecting and studying the most important ones, analyzing and evaluating these issues, and comparing them with the approach of the early predecessors. This research consists of an introduction, a preface, two main topics, a conclusion, and indexes. The introduction includes the research problem, reasons for choosing the topic and its importance, the studys boundaries, previous studies, the research methodology, and its plan. The preface involves defining the terms of the title. It has two main requirements: the first requirement is defining the term disbelief according to Ahl al-Sunnah. The second requirement is defining the late Asharis and specifying disbelief according to them. This includes two issues: the first issue is defining the late Asharis. The second issue is defining the term disbelief according to the late Ashari scholars. The first topic: The approach of the late Ashari scholars in takfir includes the following points: 1. Describing their opponents as infidels. 2. Takfir based on theological principles. 3. Takfir by adhering to the apparent meanings of the texts of the Quran and Sunnah. 4. Not following the texts of takfir. 5. Their judgment of some of their opponents as destined for Hell. 6. Their saying, We do not declare anyone a disbeliever except those who declare us disbelievers. The second topic: A comparison between the early and late Asharis on the issue of takfir. It includes two requirements: 1. The first requirement is the points of agreement between the early and late Asharis. 2. The second requirement is the points of difference between the early and late Asharis. Conclusion: The conclusion contains the most important results. The research concluded with several findings, the most prominent of which are: that Takfir is a right of Allah Almighty, and it is not permissible for anyone to expel someone from the religion of Allah except with clear evidence and proof that will excuse him before Allah. It clarifies the significant gap between what Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari and those who lived with him and were close to his time believed, and what those who came after him and those who adhered to his doctrine believed. Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi was the nucleus of development in the Ashari doctrine, marking a qualitative shift, initiating the era of the late Asharis. The audacity of the late Asharis in describing their opponents as infidels, declaring those who disagree with them as infidels under the pretext that they declare them infidels, thus deviating from the approach of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions in dealing with dissenters. Keywords: Takfir, disbelief, Asharis, late Asharis. جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية مجلات الاندلس من افضل المجلات العلمية لنشر الابحاث الرصينة بما يتوافق مع شروط اسكوبس وقواعد البيانات العالمية مجلة علمية منذو عشرين سنة حاصلة على معامل تاثير ارسيف وكروسرف وهي من ارخص المجلات العلمية رؤيتها تشجيع الباحثين على نشر الابحاث وتعزيز المجال البحثي بالعاصمة صنعاء لدها مجلة علمية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية ومجلة علمية للعلوم التطبيقية وقد تم نشر اكثر من 80 عدد مايقارب 600 بحث - مجلة الأندلس للبحوث مجلة علمية محكمة ابحاث علمية صنعاء افضل مجلة علمية مجلة الاندلس للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية مجلة علوم انسانية مجلة للعلوم التطبيقية جامعة الاندلس افضل مجلة علمة لنشر ابحاث الباحثين والحصول على DOI مجلة معتمدة دوليا مجلة جامعة الاندلس الجمهورية اليمنية مجلة الأندلس للبحوث

التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة Takfir among the Late Asharis أ. علي بن أحمد الشهري* الملخص: يهدف البحث إلى بيان خطورة التكفير عموماً، وبيان ما كان عليه السلف الصالح من التحذير من هذه الآفة الخطيرة، والابتعاد عنها، والتورع في إطلاقها، كما يهدف إلى بيان حال متأخري الأشاعرة وخطأهم في مسألة التكفير، ومخالفتهم لما كان عليه المتقدمين من الأشاعرة والسلف الصالح. وقد اتبع البحث المنهج الاستقرائي، ثم التحليلي النَّقدي المقارن؛ وذلك من خلال استقراء المواطن التي احتوت على التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة، ثم جمع أهمها ودراستها، والقيام بتحليل تلك المسائل وتقييمها، ومقارنتها بمنهج المتقدمين. وقد انتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أبرزها: أن التكفير حق لله تعالى لا يجوز لأحد أن يُخرج أحدا من دين الله إلا ببينة ودليل يعذر بهما أمام الله. بيان البون الشاسع بين ما كان يعتقده أبو الحسن الأشعري ومن عاشره وقرب من زمانه، وبين ما يعتقده من جاء بعده ممن انتسب إلى مذهبه. أن عبد القاهر البغدادي كان نواة التطور في المذهب الأشعري، حيث كان انتقالة نوعية، فبدأ به عهد متأخري الأشاعرة. جرأة متأخري الأشاعرة في إطلاق أوصاف الكفر على مخالفيهم. تكفير المخالف لهم بحجة أنه يكفرهم، منحرفين بذلك عن منهج النبي -- وصحابته في التعامل مع المخالف. الكلمات المفتاحية: التكفير - الكفر - متأخرو الأشاعرة - متقدمو الأشاعرة. Abstract: This research aims to explain the seriousness of takfir in general and to clarify the stance of the righteous predecessors in warning against this dangerous scourge, staying away from it, and being cautious in its application. The research also aims to clarify the approach of the late Asharis in the issue of takfir and their divergence from what the early Asharis and righteous predecessors adhered to. The research follows the inductive method, followed by a comparative critical analysis. This is done by examining the issues that included takfir among the late Asharis, then collecting and studying the most important ones, analyzing and evaluating these issues, and comparing them with the approach of the early predecessors. This research consists of an introduction, a preface, two main topics, a conclusion, and indexes. The introduction includes the research problem, reasons for choosing the topic and its importance, the studys boundaries, previous studies, the research methodology, and its plan. The preface involves defining the terms of the title. It has two main requirements: the first requirement is defining the term disbelief according to Ahl al-Sunnah. The second requirement is defining the late Asharis and specifying disbelief according to them. This includes two issues: the first issue is defining the late Asharis. The second issue is defining the term disbelief according to the late Ashari scholars. The first topic: The approach of the late Ashari scholars in takfir includes the following points: 1. Describing their opponents as infidels. 2. Takfir based on theological principles. 3. Takfir by adhering to the apparent meanings of the texts of the Quran and Sunnah. 4. Not following the texts of takfir. 5. Their judgment of some of their opponents as destined for Hell. 6. Their saying, We do not declare anyone a disbeliever except those who declare us disbelievers. The second topic: A comparison between the early and late Asharis on the issue of takfir. It includes two requirements: 1. The first requirement is the points of agreement between the early and late Asharis. 2. The second requirement is the points of difference between the early and late Asharis. Conclusion: The conclusion contains the most important results. The research concluded with several findings, the most prominent of which are: that Takfir is a right of Allah Almighty, and it is not permissible for anyone to expel someone from the religion of Allah except with clear evidence and proof that will excuse him before Allah. It clarifies the significant gap between what Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari and those who lived with him and were close to his time believed, and what those who came after him and those who adhered to his doctrine believed. Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi was the nucleus of development in the Ashari doctrine, marking a qualitative shift, initiating the era of the late Asharis. The audacity of the late Asharis in describing their opponents as infidels, declaring those who disagree with them as infidels under the pretext that they declare them infidels, thus deviating from the approach of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions in dealing with dissenters. Keywords: Takfir, disbelief, Asharis, late Asharis.

التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة Takfir among the Late Asharis أ. علي بن أحمد الشهري* الملخص: يهدف البحث إلى بيان خطورة التكفير عموماً، وبيان ما كان عليه السلف الصالح من التحذير من هذه الآفة الخطيرة، والابتعاد عنها، والتورع في إطلاقها، كما يهدف إلى بيان حال متأخري الأشاعرة وخطأهم في مسألة التكفير، ومخالفتهم لما كان عليه المتقدمين من الأشاعرة والسلف الصالح. وقد اتبع البحث المنهج الاستقرائي، ثم التحليلي النَّقدي المقارن؛ وذلك من خلال استقراء المواطن التي احتوت على التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة، ثم جمع أهمها ودراستها، والقيام بتحليل تلك المسائل وتقييمها، ومقارنتها بمنهج المتقدمين. وقد انتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أبرزها: أن التكفير حق لله تعالى لا يجوز لأحد أن يُخرج أحدا من دين الله إلا ببينة ودليل يعذر بهما أمام الله. بيان البون الشاسع بين ما كان يعتقده أبو الحسن الأشعري ومن عاشره وقرب من زمانه، وبين ما يعتقده من جاء بعده ممن انتسب إلى مذهبه. أن عبد القاهر البغدادي كان نواة التطور في المذهب الأشعري، حيث كان انتقالة نوعية، فبدأ به عهد متأخري الأشاعرة. جرأة متأخري الأشاعرة في إطلاق أوصاف الكفر على مخالفيهم. تكفير المخالف لهم بحجة أنه يكفرهم، منحرفين بذلك عن منهج النبي -- وصحابته في التعامل مع المخالف. الكلمات المفتاحية: التكفير - الكفر - متأخرو الأشاعرة - متقدمو الأشاعرة. Abstract: This research aims to explain the seriousness of takfir in general and to clarify the stance of the righteous predecessors in warning against this dangerous scourge, staying away from it, and being cautious in its application. The research also aims to clarify the approach of the late Asharis in the issue of takfir and their divergence from what the early Asharis and righteous predecessors adhered to. The research follows the inductive method, followed by a comparative critical analysis. This is done by examining the issues that included takfir among the late Asharis, then collecting and studying the most important ones, analyzing and evaluating these issues, and comparing them with the approach of the early predecessors. This research consists of an introduction, a preface, two main topics, a conclusion, and indexes. The introduction includes the research problem, reasons for choosing the topic and its importance, the studys boundaries, previous studies, the research methodology, and its plan. The preface involves defining the terms of the title. It has two main requirements: the first requirement is defining the term disbelief according to Ahl al-Sunnah. The second requirement is defining the late Asharis and specifying disbelief according to them. This includes two issues: the first issue is defining the late Asharis. The second issue is defining the term disbelief according to the late Ashari scholars. The first topic: The approach of the late Ashari scholars in takfir includes the following points: 1. Describing their opponents as infidels. 2. Takfir based on theological principles. 3. Takfir by adhering to the apparent meanings of the texts of the Quran and Sunnah. 4. Not following the texts of takfir. 5. Their judgment of some of their opponents as destined for Hell. 6. Their saying, We do not declare anyone a disbeliever except those who declare us disbelievers. The second topic: A comparison between the early and late Asharis on the issue of takfir. It includes two requirements: 1. The first requirement is the points of agreement between the early and late Asharis. 2. The second requirement is the points of difference between the early and late Asharis. Conclusion: The conclusion contains the most important results. The research concluded with several findings, the most prominent of which are: that Takfir is a right of Allah Almighty, and it is not permissible for anyone to expel someone from the religion of Allah except with clear evidence and proof that will excuse him before Allah. It clarifies the significant gap between what Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari and those who lived with him and were close to his time believed, and what those who came after him and those who adhered to his doctrine believed. Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi was the nucleus of development in the Ashari doctrine, marking a qualitative shift, initiating the era of the late Asharis. The audacity of the late Asharis in describing their opponents as infidels, declaring those who disagree with them as infidels under the pretext that they declare them infidels, thus deviating from the approach of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions in dealing with dissenters. Keywords: Takfir, disbelief, Asharis, late Asharis.

البحث العلمي ابحاث المجلة | الابحاث المنشورة

اسم الباحث     :    أ. علي بن أحمد الشهري*
DOI     :    https://doi.org/10.35781/1637-000-096-004
ملخص البحث     :    الملخص: يهدف البحث إلى بيان خطورة التكفير عموماً، وبيان ما كان عليه السلف الصالح من التحذير من هذه الآفة الخطيرة، والابتعاد عنها، والتورع في إطلاقها، كما يهدف إلى بيان حال متأخري الأشاعرة وخطأهم في مسألة التكفير، ومخالفتهم لما كان عليه المتقدمين من الأشاعرة والسلف الصالح. وقد اتبع البحث المنهج الاستقرائي، ثم التحليلي النَّقدي المقارن؛ وذلك من خلال استقراء المواطن التي احتوت على التكفير عند متأخري الأشاعرة، ثم جمع أهمها ودراستها، والقيام بتحليل تلك المسائل وتقييمها، ومقارنتها بمنهج المتقدمين. وقد انتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أبرزها: أن التكفير حق لله تعالى لا يجوز لأحد أن يُخرج أحدا من دين الله إلا ببينة ودليل يعذر بهما أمام الله. بيان البون الشاسع بين ما كان يعتقده أبو الحسن الأشعري ومن عاشره وقرب من زمانه، وبين ما يعتقده من جاء بعده ممن انتسب إلى مذهبه. أن عبد القاهر البغدادي كان نواة التطور في المذهب الأشعري، حيث كان انتقالة نوعية، فبدأ به عهد "متأخري الأشاعرة". جرأة متأخري الأشاعرة في إطلاق أوصاف الكفر على مخالفيهم. تكفير المخالف لهم بحجة أنه يكفرهم، منحرفين بذلك عن منهج النبي -- وصحابته في التعامل مع المخالف. الكلمات المفتاحية: التكفير - الكفر - متأخرو الأشاعرة - متقدمو الأشاعرة.
Abstract: This research aims to explain the seriousness of takfir in general and to clarify the stance of the righteous predecessors in warning against this dangerous scourge, staying away from it, and being cautious in its application. The research also aims to clarify the approach of the late Ash'aris in the issue of takfir and their divergence from what the early Ash'aris and righteous predecessors adhered to. The research follows the inductive method, followed by a comparative critical analysis. This is done by examining the issues that included takfir among the late Ash'aris, then collecting and studying the most important ones, analyzing and evaluating these issues, and comparing them with the approach of the early predecessors. This research consists of an introduction, a preface, two main topics, a conclusion, and indexes. The introduction includes the research problem, reasons for choosing the topic and its importance, the study's boundaries, previous studies, the research methodology, and its plan. The preface involves defining the terms of the title. It has two main requirements: the first requirement is defining the term 'disbelief' according to Ahl al-Sunnah. The second requirement is defining the late Ash'aris and specifying disbelief according to them. This includes two issues: the first issue is defining the late Ash'aris. The second issue is defining the term 'disbelief' according to the late Ash'ari scholars. The first topic: The approach of the late Ash'ari scholars in takfir includes the following points: 1. Describing their opponents as infidels. 2. Takfir based on theological principles. 3. Takfir by adhering to the apparent meanings of the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah. 4. Not following the texts of takfir. 5. Their judgment of some of their opponents as destined for Hell. 6. Their saying, "We do not declare anyone a disbeliever except those who declare us disbelievers." The second topic: A comparison between the early and late Ash'aris on the issue of takfir. It includes two requirements: 1. The first requirement is the points of agreement between the early and late Ash'aris. 2. The second requirement is the points of difference between the early and late Ash'aris. Conclusion: The conclusion contains the most important results. The research concluded with several findings, the most prominent of which are: that Takfir is a right of Allah Almighty, and it is not permissible for anyone to expel someone from the religion of Allah except with clear evidence and proof that will excuse him before Allah. It clarifies the significant gap between what Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari and those who lived with him and were close to his time believed, and what those who came after him and those who adhered to his doctrine believed. Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi was the nucleus of development in the Ash'ari doctrine, marking a qualitative shift, initiating the era of the "late Ash'aris". The audacity of the late Ash'aris in describing their opponents as infidels, declaring those who disagree with them as infidels under the pretext that they declare them infidels, thus deviating from the approach of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions in dealing with dissenters. Keywords: Takfir, disbelief, Ash'aris, late Ash'aris. رجوع       تحميل البحث